Embark on a Breath of Fresh Air


at Rockford Ambulatory Surgery Center


Tonsillectomy at Rockford Ambulatory Surgery Center (RASC)

Frequent sore throats, sleep disturbances, and breathing issues can often lead back to one source: your tonsils. When these small glands at the back of your throat become more of a hindrance than a help, a tonsillectomy can be the key to improved health and comfort. At Rockford Ambulatory Surgery Center, we specialize in partnering with your doctor to provide a seamless tonsillectomy experience, allowing you to focus on a swift recovery and a healthier future.

Understanding Tonsillectomy and the Procedure


Understanding Tonsillectomy and the Procedure


A tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils, which are the two pads of glandular tissue located at the back of the throat.


This procedure may be recommended for frequent cases of tonsillitis or if enlarged tonsils cause breathing difficulties or disrupt sleep.


The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, and recovery includes managing throat soreness while the throat heals.


Preparation and Peace of Mind


Comfort is Key


Recovery and Relief

Before your surgery, you'll consult with your physician to understand the procedure and its benefits. Your doctor will then work with us to schedule your surgery at RASC. We'll give you all the details on how to prepare, such as fasting instructions and managing your current medications. Since many of our tonsillectomies are performed on children, RASC offers pre-surgical tours to help ease your child’s anxiety. If you are an adult, you'll need to arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you overnight after the procedure.

On the day of your tonsillectomy, you'll be in the capable hands of your personal physician, supported by our highly skilled RASC team. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, so you'll be sleeping and won't feel anything during the surgery. The removal of the tonsils is a straightforward process, and you'll be able to head home on the same day to begin your recovery.

After your tonsillectomy, it's normal to experience a sore throat for a while. Pain management will be a priority, and we'll provide you with instructions on how to ease discomfort during your recovery. We'll also guide you on diet and hydration, as it's essential to drink plenty of fluids and eat soft foods. Your physician will monitor your recovery closely, with follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth healing process.

Meet some of the physicians that perform Tonsillectomy at Rockford Ambulatory Service Center

Why Choose RASC for Your Tonsillectomy?

Economic Choice

At RASC, we believe that quality healthcare should be affordable. Our facility is designed to offer the same high-quality care as hospitals but at a more economical cost.

Tonsillectomy Outpatient Comparison*

RASCHospital Average*SavingsSavings as %
Hospital Average*$20,432.00
Savings as %77%


Your procedure will be performed by the surgeon you trust in our modern surgical center, ensuring continuity of care from consultation to recovery.

Experienced Teams

Our surgical staff are specialists in outpatient procedures, ensuring that you receive expert care in a welcoming environment.

State-of-the-Art Facility

RASC is equipped with the latest in medical technology, providing you with the highest standard of care.


We understand your time is valuable. Our efficient scheduling and streamlined processes mean you spend less time waiting and more time recovering in the comfort of your home.

*Cost data obtained from the Illinois Hospital Report Card and Consumers Guide to Health Care. See healthcarereportcard.illinois.gov. Averages based on billed charges for procedures performed on an outpatient basis at local Rockford area hospitals. The out-of-pocket amount is dependent on your health plan’s coinsurance amount.

Please note: The cost comparison table presented is a simplified overview designed for general informational purposes. It consolidates various specific procedures under broader procedural categories. For instance, the term "Lens Procedure" encompasses both cataract surgeries and other lens-related outpatient procedures, among others. This consolidation is made to streamline the presentation of information and may not reflect the full detail or scope of individual procedures.